Singing Telegram
Laura can deliver a telegram for anyone’s birthday, employment, anniversary, awards event…anything that needs an extra special message. She can also do a holiday greeting. With or without singing, here are the costumes for any occasion.
Lady Tux, Disco Queen, Dolly Parton, French Maiden, Gorilla, and Formal
Honey Badger Momma
Street smarts. School smarts. Social smarts. This “momma” visits virtually to read letters sent to her from kids who need help with situations. Some of these topics can be “heavy” and all discussions
remain anonymous. HBM tells it like it is and doesn’t beat around the bush…sort of like the real honey badger animal.

She is jolly, caring and fun. Let Mrs. Claus visit any classroom, event or home to bring some holiday magic right to your door. She can also read her Christmas book written by one of her famous authors. She can supply a sweet treat if wanted. Her North Pole visit will help keep the Christmas spirit alive in everyone’s heart.